Collectible Cat Figurines

When looking for collectible cat figurines, there are things that you should consider before paying the price. If you have a collectibles price guide, you can look up the collectible cat figurines in the price guide before spending money on the figure. This way, you have an idea of how much the figure is worth.

There are many people who collect cat figurines. Collecting figures of animals is similar to collecting dolls, stamps or coins in the collectibles world. Those who collect cat figurines usually collect a certain style of cat or a certain type of figurine. There are so many hundreds of thousands of cat figurines that have been produced throughout the ages that it would be impossible to have them all.

Like dog figurines, those who like collectible cat figurines usually like to collect one type of cat. Some of the more collectible cat figurines are:

Siamese Cats

Siamese cat figurines were very popular in the 1950s. These collectible cat figurines can range from china to ceramic. You can find them to be of value if they are not broken. Collectible cat figurines are of value when they remain intact and are not broken. If they have been nicked or chipped or repaired in some way, it diminishes the value.

Cartoon Cats

Cats like Garfield can fetch a pretty penny when it comes to collectible cat figurines. Cartoon cats such as Garfield, Heathcliff, Tom (and Jerry) and Sylvester are very popular with cat collectors. Some people will collect everything that they can from a particular cat from a cartoon. The Disney Aristocats are also a very well liked collection among those who like collectible cat figurines.

Black Cats

Black cats are not unlucky for those who like collectible cat figurines. Black cats are a very much loved collection among those who collect cat figures. These come in all shapes and sizes and like the Siamese cat figures can be worth quite a bit of money if they are in good condition and are made by a well known artist or pottery company.

Most collectible cat figurines are made from either ceramic or porcelain. It is very important, when you are looking for cat figurines that are vintage that you make sure they are not broken or chipped in any way. Those that have an ear broken off or have been repaired are practically worthless. The entire cat must be in good condition in order for it to be worth money.

There have been collectible cat figurines that have been put out by name brand companies throughout the years for collectors that are no longer being sold and are worth some money now. If you want to know the best place to find cat figurines, you should take a look online. There are tens of thousands of collectible cat figurines online all of the time and chances are that you can find what you are looking for.


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